I have some exciting news to share! Today, I met with a local Barnes & Noble store, and they expressed interest in stocking my self-published picture book, “Drone Away From Home.” As a new author, this is a massive opportunity for me, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

However, I learned that the number one way to get my book into their stores is by generating high interest during the pre-order period on Amazon. As you may know, pre-orders are a critical time for book sales, and they can make all the difference in whether a book is successful.

So, I am reaching out to all of you, my amazing supporters, to ask for your help getting “Drone Away From Home” into Barnes & Noble stores. If you’re interested in purchasing the book, I would be grateful if you would consider pre-ordering it on Amazon. Not only will this help me get my book into Barnes & Noble, but it will also help to generate buzz and excitement around the book’s release.

As a self-published author, getting your work noticed and on the shelves of major booksellers can be challenging. But with your support, we can make it happen. Every pre-order counts, and every share or word-of-mouth recommendation helps to spread the word about “Drone Away From Home.”

I am incredibly grateful for your support and encouragement thus far. Writing and publishing this book has been a labor of love, and I am thrilled to see it resonate with readers. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me and helping make my dreams a reality.

If you’re interested in pre-ordering “Drone Away From Home,” you can find it on Amazon at https://a.co/d/1rA49Q8. And if you do pre-order, please let me know – I would love to thank you personally for your support.